Monday, August 13, 2007

Wa-wa-wa- WALRUS

For the webcomic of the week I choose "But Nobody Notices the Walrus" by Sylvan Migdal. Through out the office everyone is worrying about themselves and their lives, and hardly really notice anyone else. Its like everyone is to wrapped up in caring about themselves to take notice of someone outside of their frame of reference. Or in this case, outside of their self absorbed world. At one point Stuart is talking to his co-worker Susan, asking her if she wants fish for lunch. Stuart is so wrapped up in his world of eating fish for lunch, he does not ketch that Susan is asking him out to dinner. Also during the whole day, everyone is caring on with their own world and does not notice the poor Walrus who has been waiting for his meeting all day. This just shows, how self-absorbed people, are that they did not even care to ask the Walrus if he'd been helped, since they were to busy doing nothing but things concerning themselves.

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